Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reversible Open Back Dress with Fancy Ruffled Bloomers

This is absolutely my favorite favorite favorite outfit EVER. I absolutely LOVE it.

When I found out I was having a little girl, the one thing I wanted more than anything was ruffled butt bloomers. I have tried to make them... made a good effort to it, but, not exactly like what I wanted. This is exactly what I wanted and more. I learned so many things from this project.

#1- I learned about a "Bodkin" It's called an Ezy Pull Bodkin. This works wonders when trying to put elastic through for bloomers. This little tool saved me hours of frustration. Before, I would have tried to push a thin little safety pin through the tiny little pocket in which the elastic goes.

#2- A Rolled Narrow Hem Foot for a sewing machine. This was completely awesome. This little dream you took and put the fabric in and it made a little rolled hem. It was so cute and dainty. I loved it. It worked better than what I imagined.

#3- A Gathering Foot. After doing the rolled narrow hem, I took this little foot put it on the machine, and then... nothing more... just took and put the stitch length at the longest stitch. Then I just put the fabric through... it did all the work.

I bought the pattern from TieDyeDiva on Etsy.com. It turned out perfect. Love It. I am selling the set for $45, (reversible open back dress, matching bloomers) and it comes with personalization, and a hairbow for free. You specify the colors... and in a week you can have the most beautiful thing I have made. Get one for your angel to wear this summer.


  1. so that's the trick with the gathering foot....to set it to the longest stitch! I'll definitely be trying it out again soon!!!


    Beautiful outfit!!

  2. Thank you very much! Yes... the gathering foot is tricky, but, it worked beautifully. It does not gather as much as a ruffler foot, but it does gather it, and make it so when you go to put the gathered material on it makes it so that it is easily ruffled. Another tip- when using it, after you hem the ruffle, do not fold down the fabric under the gatherer. I found if you only used one layer of the fabric it ruffled MUCH better.
